Changing the Equation: Redesigning Developmental Math

Final Report Format

What follows is the the format that you should follow in your final redesign project report due March 1, 2012 (Option I) and July 23, 2012 (Option II). We plan to post the results of your project on the NCAT web site so that your successes can be shared with the broader higher education community. Consequently, we are asking that you follow a specified format as described below.

Final reports for the Program in Course Redesign, the Roadmap to Redesign program and NCAT’s state- and system-based programs are available on our web site. Each project final report follows the same format. We especially recommend your reviewing the reports from Cleveland State Community College and Jackson State Community College.


Project Abstract

Please review the one-page abstract submitted with your original proposal and update it to reflect what actually happened during the project period.

Impact on Students

  • Improved Learning

This section should summarize your data on whether students learned more, less, or the same under redesigned conditions as under the traditional ways you have offered the courses and should be a summary of your most recent results. While there are many other aspects of implementation and effectiveness that you may be investigating, this section should summarize data on learning outcomes only.

You should include the completed Full Implementation Assessment Results form as an appendix. The form can be found on the NCAT web site at Implementation Assessment Results Form.xls.

  • Improved Course Completion

This section should summarize any impact your redesign had on final grades/pass rates. In most cases, you should report the percentages of students earning a C or better under the traditional and redesigned formats. If you have a pass/fail system, you should report the percentages accordingly.

You should include the completed Full Implementation Course Completion form as an appendix. The form can be found on the NCAT web site at Implementation Course Completion Form.xls.

  • Other Impacts on Students

This section should summarize any other impacts on students such as improved attitudes toward course content that you wish to include.

Impact on Cost Savings

Please review the Cost Savings Summary Form (CSSF) that you submitted with your redesign proposal as corrected during discussions with NCAT. Did you implement your cost savings plan? Please describe briefly.

If you did not fully implement your plan, please describe why you did not.  If you made changes in your approved cost savings plan, please include a revised CSSF as an appendix, highlighting any changes made in color with explanatory notations.

Lessons Learned

  • Pedagogical Improvement Techniques

This section should list in bulleted form (technique + one-paragraph description) those techniques you utilized that contributed to improving the quality of student learning.

  • Cost Reduction Techniques

This section should list in bulleted form (technique + one-paragraph description) those techniques you utilized that contributed to cost savings.

  • Implementation Issues

This section should list in bulleted form (technique + one-paragraph description) those implementation issues that you consider to have been most important. You may want to distinguish between what features, activities or strategies in your course redesign worked best and what worked least well.


Please include a brief statement regarding your view of the sustainability of your course redesign on campus.

NCAT Scholars, NCAT staff and NCAT resources

Please describe how useful you found your interactions with NCAT staff and NCAT Redesign Scholars as well as other NCAT resources (web site, workshops, etc.)

  1. Note how all project reports on our web site have been edited to use an objective presentation (the university, the team, etc. instead of “we.”) Please use this approach in your final report.
  2. Please use a straightforward Word format with no embellishments (colors, boxes, etc.) to simplify our publication and Web updating tasks. No Adobe (pdf) files, please.
  3. Carolyn Jarmon is available to answer any of your questions about format and content. Please feel free to contact her via email at to set up a phone call.
  4. Please send your completed report electronically to Pat Bartscherer at by March 1, 2012 (Option I) or July 23, 2012 (Option II).