Program in Course Redesign:
Project Descriptions Sorted by Degree of Success

As part of the Program in Course Redesign, thirty institutions have redesigned large-enrollment, introductory courses using technology to achieve cost savings as well as quality enhancements.

The following links, sorted by an assessment of how successful each project was, include contact information, one-page project abstracts, full academic plans, full cost savings plans, ongoing progress reports and final outcome reports for each of the 30 institutions.

Fully Successful Projects

We recommend the following 17 projects as models of best practice in course redesign. Each is characterized by having achieved improved student learning and reduced cost; each is committed to the ongoing implementation of the course redesign.

Partially Successful Projects

The following projects were partially successful in achieving the goals of the Program in Course Redesign.

Round I Partial Redesigns

Participants in the first round of redesign projects were not required to redesign the whole course. Each of the following six projects successfully redesigned at least one section of the course, achieving improved student learning and reduced cost, and can serve as models of best practice in course redesign. Because each institution redesigned part of a course, conclusions about overall student learning and cost reduction must be qualified – i.e., projected as if the entire course were redesigned.

Rounds II and III Partially Successful Redesigns

The following projects achieved the goals of their redesign plan during the grant period but failed to sustain the redesign in all sections of the course. For an explanation of why this happened, please see the final report for each institution.

While achieving some successes, the following projects did not complete their redesign plans due to a variety of extenuating circumstances. For an explanation of why this happened, please see the final report for each institution.


Program in Course Redesign Quick Links:

Program In Course Redesign Main Page...

Lessons Learned:
Round 1...
Round II...
Round III...

Round I...
Round II...
Round III...

Project Descriptions:
Sorted by Discipline...
Sorted by Model...
Sorted by Grant Rounds...