Program in Course Redesign

The University of New Mexico

Course Title: General Psychology
Redesign Coordinator: Gordon Hodge

The University of New Mexico (UNM) redesigned General Psychology, the largest and most popular undergraduate "killer" course. In the original format, a total of 2,250 students enrolled in nine sections offered each year. The course was taught in a traditional lecture format with no recitation sections. UNM's primary redesign goal was to improve the course's 42% DWF rate (30% of which represent failures, a disproportionate number of which are minority students). Institutional research data confirmed that such poor performance contributed to UNM's low retention and graduation rates. The redesigned course planned to reduce the number of lectures each week to one and incorporate a weekly 50-minute studio session led by undergraduate teaching assistants in computer labs. These activities were supplemented by interactive hybrid Internet/CD-ROM activities, quizzes, and programmed self-instruction offered on a 24/7 schedule. Students took repeatable quizzes each week requiring a C-level of mastery. An active intervention strategy ensured that students made progress. The planned redesign reduced the cost-per-student from $72 to $38, a 47% decrease. Reductions in instructor time devoted to lecture presentation and delivery represented the source of greatest anticipated savings from the redesign. Overall, annual course delivery costs were expected to decrease from $161,184 to $85,012, a cost savings of $76,172. The results of the completed redesign can be found by following the links listed below under Final Report.

Initial Planning (as of 7/1/01)

Interim Progress Report (as of 12/31/02)

Final Report (as of 10/31/03)


Program in Course Redesign Quick Links:

Program In Course Redesign Main Page...

Lessons Learned:
Round 1...
Round II...
Round III...

Round I...
Round II...
Round III...

Project Descriptions:
Sorted by Discipline...
Sorted by Model...
Sorted by Success...
Sorted by Grant Rounds...