
Rio Salado College

How would you assess the transferability of the re-design approach you employed to new subject areas or disciplines?

The re-design has worked well because the courses are driven by a commercially available "intelligent system" that assesses students along the way. There is little to no need for the instructor to design/grade assignments. Incorporating a similar system is essential to transferability. Certainly, non-lab sciences would likely lend themselves to the re-design model; however, courses with extensive writing/interpretative exercises would likely not.

The other challenge to replicability is the multiple starts that are employed in Rio's distance program. Having 100 students start every two weeks over a ten-week period necessitates the use of some kind of intelligent system.

How are you disseminating the re-design among your colleagues?

Dissemination of the re-design model and results has occurred on several levels. All members of the project team have responded to e-mail inquiries. Certainly, details of design and implementation have been shared collegewide at faculty meetings and at an Academic Systems regional meeting.

Information about the project is present on the Web. Members of the project team have attended and presented at the Pew-sponsored meetings and been asked to do presentations at other conferences and seminars. Presentations were done at AMATYC (American Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges) and the Academic Systems Continuous Improvement meeting. Additionally, Ted Coe, Rio faculty coordinator for the project, has been asked to write an article for The Technology Source, an online, refereed periodical.



Program in Course Redesign Quick Links:

Program In Course Redesign Main Page...

Lessons Learned:
Round 1...
Round II...
Round III...

Round I...
Round II...
Round III...

Project Descriptions:
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