
University of Central Florida

How would you assess the transferability of the re-design approach you employed to new subject areas or disciplines?

The transferability of the redesign approach we took in the American National Government course redesign project is good. It will need some changes however, depending on the department, faculty consensus prior to beginning the project, and the course to be redesigned. It will be important to determine the processes used in a department for curricular decision making prior to planning the course redesign project in each department.

The English department has begun redesign of our two freshman composition courses. Discussions are being held with the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences regarding the redesign of other general education courses in that college.

How are you disseminating the re-design among your colleagues?

Data collected in our distributed learning impact evaluation and the pilot sections of our American National Government course redesign are analyzed and shared with university administrators, department chairs, and faculty. All faculty participating in our faculty development course for teaching online are provided data on distributed learning courses and are provided support for doing instructional effectiveness research by the Research Institute for Teaching Effectiveness. Since we have collected, analyzed, reported, and used data from our distributed learning impact evaluation from its beginning, no special concerns have been raised about the pilot project in American National Government. The description of the process used in the project (when completed) will provide useful information to university administrators and other departments considering similar course redesign projects.

What kinds of support for your project have you been receiving from your department or the institution more broadly?

All faculty members participating in the pilot project have received faculty development, instructional design, graphics, and programming support from university. Faculty members have received support for travel to present papers related to the project from the university as well. The college dean has provided funds to assist with the renovation of a computer lab for use by students enrolled in the redesigned course. Project funds were used to equip the lab.



Program in Course Redesign Quick Links:

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