Impact on Cost Savings

The University of Alabama

Were costs reduced as planned?

The overall cost-per-student was $82 during the 2001-2002 academic year, which was slightly less than that initially predicted. A significant savings was realized through the use of undergraduate tutors in place of more costly graduate students (savings of more than $36,000). Costs associated with materials development were also lower than anticipated because of the quality and utility of the commercial software package used for the course (planned hours = 476; actual hours = 104.) The implementation of weekly, 30-minute class sessions increased instructional time, and more time was required to monitor student progress than initially anticipated. But the change in personnel (UGTAs for GTAs) and the decreased costs associated with materials development offset the increase in faculty time. The final cost-per-student of $82 for the redesign was 33% lower than that for the traditional course.

The infrastructure associated with delivery of Intermediate Algebra also provided the opportunity for cost savings in other courses. During the 2001-2002 academic year 955 students were enrolled in sections of Introductory Algebra and Pre-calculus Algebra taught in the MTLC. Because we were able to use instructors and undergraduate tutors assigned to Intermediate Algebra for these courses as well, the added cost to teach these 955 students was $42,870 or $45 per student.



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