Impact on Cost Savings

Tallahassee Community College

Were costs reduced as planned?

Yes. The redesign is now fully implemented, and TCC is very close to the adjunct rate of 68% projected in the original proposal. Of the 71 sections of College Composition offered during the fall 2003 semester, 63% are taught by adjuncts and 37% by full-time faculty members. As anticipated, less faculty time is spent on presentation and more on one-on-one and small-group conferencing. Grading time has been decreased through outsourcing ($33,500 for SMARTHINKING for the 2003-2004 year). Faculty logs indicate that the anticipated faculty time-savings have been realized with several faculty indicating even greater reductions than anticipated. All logs indicate reductions greater than the 18.7% projected, even allowing for variations in interpretation and time allocations.

The increase in student success produces additional savings for TCC and offsets the difference in the current full-time/part-time ratio. The cost of a three-credit course is approximately $450 over and above the tuition paid by the student.

Anticipated savings in the Writing Center have been achieved, and one position has been assigned to another center. The percent of College Composition students attending the Writing Center for help has decreased from 49.6% (spring 2002) to 34.4% (spring 2003).



Program in Course Redesign Quick Links:

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